For the first time in our history, our events featured vocalists. The experiment in three Lithuanian prisons (Spring 2024 Series on May 21-24) exceeded expectations – the inspirational recitals of German soprano Elena Sverdiolaite and Lithuanian tenor Rafailas Karpis (assisted by pianists Gustas Raudonius and Darius Mazintas respectively) culminated in standing ovations, inmates’ singing, and their reaffirming testimonials following the opening concerts in two prisons in Pravienškės.

Our Artist in residence, S. Gordon Harwood created abstract paintings during each of the events and gifted them to our audiences.

Canadian Ambassador to Lithuania Hon. Jeanette Sautner has honoured our Program by paying a historic visit and delivering opening remarks during our “fully packed” event at the Panevežys Women’s prison.

Mindaugas Kairys, a newly appointed Head of Lithuania’s Correctional Services, delivered powerful and unexpectedly emotional closing remarks, emphasizing the positive impact of our gift on the faith of the inmate population.

Our fourth and last performance in Kaunas prison featured our program debutants from Austria Ieva Pranskute, violin and Mislav Brajković, cello.  Their highly expressive and professional performance and engaging interaction with the audience inspired intense applause and an invitation to return.


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[VIDEO] Schubert in Spring 2024 Fundraiser

On April 12, 2024, we have successfully implemented our traditional, yet very unique fundraiser, featuring a keynote address by Steven Lamberti, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Rochester, and a string quintet comprised of leading musicians from The Toronto Symphony Orchestra and distinguished Ukrainian pianist, Anna Sagalova. Here’s a 10-minute video summary for your review.

Schubert in Spring: Our First Fundraiser of 2024

Looking at the Stars Returns to Nova Scotia

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EU (LITHUANIA) Music programs – October 16-20, 2023

Looking at the Stars Returns to the EU

Death of a Grand Piano

Our extraordinary team of international artists and technicians travelled to Izium, Ukraine, to record an open air performance of classical music as a gift to honour the dead and inspire the living. A stunning white grand piano is a beacon in the grey anguish of this ravaged landscape. The scarred earth is a bleak reminder of the russian invader’s attempt to subjugate the Ukrainian people. Yet Ukraine remains steadfast in their resistance.

The beautiful white grand piano did not survive the production. Moisture took its toll, as you can hear during the final musical sequences. Overcome by the pathos of the moment, the piano gave up its spirit and died. Yet the spirit of the piano lives on in this phenomenal recording of a celebration of the Ukrainian people’s courage and commitment.

Sponsored and organized by Looking at the Stars Foundation – a Canadian federal charity. (www.lookingatthestars.org) with invaluable support from All-Ukrainian Forum for Democracy (DEMFORUM) https://demforum.org/en/

New Canadian Concert Series June 10 – 12, 2023

We are continuing our work with Ukrainian refugees in Eastern Canada. On June 10 and 11 Peter Lambert will be moderating two concerts in Halifax and Moncton respectively (pianists Walter Delahunt and Anna Sagalova will present the program of western and Ukrainian composers).


The third concert of the series will take place at Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto on June 12, 2023.

Successful Prison Concert Series in Lithuania